We publish this reflection by our mantellati brothers Giusy and Guillome, residents of Brussels where Fra Elia was hosted in 2010. It was a meeting with over 3000 people in the Sacred Heart Cathedral, the fifth largest in the world.
I still remember when, at the meeting with the capes a few years ago, Brother Elias, taking the floor, said, “Soon you will hear the bang…it’s a matter of 3-4 years.”
Everyone wondered what the meaning of those words was…. Today everything is clearer…
Not least, about the pilgrimage to the Holy Land, he said, “Let’s wait and see that war doesn’t break out.”
The war unfortunately broke out, without anyone noticing, it took everyone by surprise, Isreale first and foremost. What appears to be just a war between Jews and Palestinians, however, may be hiding something more tragic, for it risks becoming the war of wars, and could lead humanity toward a tragic fate if it is not stopped in time…
It remains emblematic that while in Rome, the symbol of Christianity, the Synod opens, Isreale, the land where Jesus came into the world, died and rose again-the center and meaning of all human history-is being attacked and taken to war.
It seems that everything troubling happening in the world today always brings us back to Rome and Jerusalem, the alpha and omega of history. May the Light of God illuminate those who at this time are called upon to make important decisions for the historical and spiritual destiny of humanity.