Testimonies of priests
Fra Elia has been invited and hosted in different parts of the world, and precisely because of his pilgrimage, he has brought the word of the Lord, as well as his merciful works, to the world. In this section you will discover what are some of the most important encounters and related testimonies, which Elijah had with prominent figures in the church, professors, doctors and other specialists.
Invitation from the Archbishop of Pontianak (Borneo-Indonesia)
Dear Fra Elia, many people have told me about your testimonies of faith and your call to a deeper love for Christ. They have expressed their desire to invite you to Pontianak (Borneo-Indonesia) for the purpose of finding more motivation for deep spirituality. The Capuchin brothers of Pontianak also welcome you to them. I myself invite you for a visit to the Archdiocese of Pontianak at such times as you deem most convenient. I assure you that you will find a sincere welcome and I guarantee hospitality and assistance for any of your needs.
I enclose a letter of invitation for the intentions of civilians and religious. (Permission granted to pastors)
Sincerely in Christ.
Theophilus BUMBUM, Archbishop of Pontianak

Sunday, November 8, 2009 – beginning of the first trip of Fra Elia of the Apostles of God to Indonesia. Destination Pontianak – Borneo, invited by Bishop Bumbum and his guest in the Curia, who, after the unfolding of the program carefully desired by the young vicar general Bishop William Chang, will accompany Fra Elia also to Bali, following him, step by step, throughout his apostolic mission.
Fra Elia stayed 4 days in Borneo and 4 in Bali, the best known island in the whole Asian continent, of predominantly Hindu (Christians 1%) religion, and then continued on to Australia.
Luxembourg dean Théophile Walin writes to the bishop of Terni
In accordance with Fra Elia’ wish I would like to inform you of his visit to Echternach from Friday evening, October 3, to Sunday morning.
On Friday evening Fra Elia had a meeting, in the crypt of the Basilica, with a group of clerics and then we celebrated Holy Mass with children and their parents. Fra Elia’ presence was moving for everyone.
Lodging was given in the convent of the Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus. On Saturday, Oct. 4, Fra Elia stayed in the Basilica from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
In the morning after Holy Mass, Fra Elia spoke to all present recalling the feast of St. Francis of Assisi and encouraging them to love God et to pray ten minutes, every day as a sign of fidelity to the Lord.
After his talk he received the sick and suffering in a chapel. In the Basilica the Blessed Sacrament was exposed for adoration all morning even during the afternoon hours.

Between 9 to 12 and 15 to 18 there were also uninterrupted confessions. As a confessor I can confirm that young people and adults came who no longer knew how to make a confession, but who had a great desire to be reconciled with God and their family. I was surprised and moved by this.
The Basilica was full to see and hear Fra Elia. His visit helped a lot to revive faith in God present in our lives. I thank the Lord for the visit of Fra Elia
In Christo
Following is the signature of the Dean
Testimony sent by Prof. Bartholomeow Courtenay
Professor of medicine at the University of West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago, He is an international AIDS virus researcher and is part of the team of scientistsi who discovered the AIDS virus. A Catholic, a Mariologist and a profound connoisseur on the phenomena of stigmata, he wrote a book on the German stigmatist Catherine Emmerick, from which Mel Gibson based his film “PASSION”.
It was a great privilege for me to have had the opportunity of the experience of seeing and sitting next to Fra Elia during his passion. I find it absolutely absurd that there can be any doubt about the authenticity of his passion.
There is absolutely no scientific explanation for this phenomenon nor is there any scientific justification for denying the authenticity of it.
I believe I heard someone say that there was a critical attitude about the holes and the wrists of Fra Elia that they were not deep enough. What nonsense is this! Jesus does not allow anyone to experience the full passion that he suffered. In fact, in many ways this would be theologically inappropriate.
And so, for those who have received the great grace to experience just a little bit of His suffering, it was intended so that they might appreciate a little bit the extreme and indescribable pain and anguish that He suffered for us, an unspeakable torture that words cannot describe. Fra Elia is also a victimized soul who suffers for us.
Indeed, all that is said in the New Testament about Jesus’ suffering is expressed in the phrase . “He was crucified.” There was no other detail also because true humility is not pleased.
As I have already said, there is no scientific evidence to doubt the authenticity of Fra Elia, he will be neither the first nor the last to be doubted.
Today’s Church is full of Priests, Bishops and Cardinals whose first name should be Thomas.
One last thing, many thanks for allowing me to visit Fra Elia in his room, to hold his hand. I consider all this a great privilege.
Yours in Jesus and Mary.
Courtenay B.
Father John’s Testimony (Austria)
He came to Wigratzbad for the 4-day spiritual exercises.
Letter addressed to our friends spouse interpreters Mr. Eleonora Bonacossa and Mr. Thomas Werner residing in Germany.
Dear Mrs. Bonacossa and dear Thomas,
I have been home for a week and the memory of Fra Elia and all of you continues to be alive in me. The intense scent of roses, which we talked about and which I personally savored accompanied me on the whole trip home, and even in bed I could smell it.
I can assure you that for this I am happy, content and feel blessed.
And with joy I write to you to give you my testimony.
On the highway to Munich I happened to be in a long traffic jam that lasted for two hours, but the scent never fanned me, which made me think that Fra Elia was with me and was accompanying me.
For me the experience in Wigratzbad was profound and very important and marked me very much.
I will remember it forever.
Now I am struggling because I can barely talk about it with others. It is difficult to describe what I felt and to share such a touching experience with others.
They were blessed days and also blessed hours, for which I feel very grateful.
And to think that I came to Wigratzbad with no expectations and quite incredulous!!!
And instead I achieved so much, more than I deserved.

I am infinitely grateful to Fra Elia who allowed me to live beside him even in his private life. I wish the two of you to be always full of love and those precious values that we shared with Fra Elia, authentic, true and bearer of truth. God be praised!
I am happy to have met you and to have been able to appreciate you. You always remain so forthright and full of merit. I thank you because without you I would not have been able to appreciate the teachings of Fra Elia! Soon Fra Elia will arrive in Koenigstein and you will still have him with you. Give him my best regards and extend my thanks to him. Many dear greetings also to Mrs. Fiorellla who was so kind and good to me. I bless you. Father John from Austria.
Letter from Father Linus Dr. Poppian, Pastor in Civitavecchia
A word to the distinguished readers.
Fra Elia summons us to join him in prayer and contemplation…. Fra Elia, the young religious with special gifts, witness to extraordinary events, in the Church of 2000.
Special gifts: stigmata, united with Christic suffering during Lent; clairvoyance; perfumes; wisdom in conversation; apostolate of prayer and holy life, healings, spiritual upliftment and other gifts still.
And now a book with the testimonies of us priests who had the privilege of being able to invite him, and with some of his texts of bold meditation and conversation with the Lord, with Mary Most Holy, the heavenly Mother, or with the Angel.
Some say-and it has always been said-that people run after extraordinary events and miracles, instead of believing without seeing, instead of turning directly to God and His priests, in the Church…
It is wise not to give weight to such talk; and to continue to turn to the men of God through whom come to us miracles, graces, wise counsel and above all the wisdom to pray. Enriched and inflamed by these treasures, we then run to church, to thank God and feed ourselves with the divine sacraments, which bear fruit only if they find us boiling hot. And if by our own prayers or in our own parish reality we do not reach that sacred, intoxicating and healing fire that gives us certainty, welcome friars with prodigious signs to immerse us in the mystery of trust and true love for the Supreme God.
We do not have the right to substitute ourselves for the judgments of the infallible Magisterium of the Church; but we do have the duty to accept that if, through a man, even a small and unremarkable one, healing comes to us, or peace of soul, wisdom of prayer or conversion of life, that man and that work come from God.
Such is the case with One like Fra Elia.
There is no force of nature or the devil that could accomplish all this good. Those who would believe that would be either idolaters or sacrilegious. And ordination or episcopal consecration is not enough to take the place of the gift of clairvoyance, healing or miracles, which God – by sheer divine irony – transmits even through children or despised people.
I consider myself a fortunate witness to Fra Elia’s spiritual goodness. If you knew how much tenderness I felt from my bishop who found his house all perfumed, and did not know how to respond to the sentence with which the little friar went to Him: “Your Excellency, these things have come to me (and He showed Him some stigmata), and I await the qualified judgment of the Holy Church. In the meantime I pray and invite people to prayer.”
The Prelate who was already anxious about the sign offered to Himself (the weeping of the Madonnina) did not know how to show Him affection and at the same time not to implicate Himself…. And I was laughing inside, thinking about this great lesson of great lesson from God that compels everyone, great and small, to accept, even through gritted teeth, the evidence of the miracle. And especially the evidence of that foolishness they call human “science,” which can never explain anything.

Thank you Fra Elia. You, every time you came to “my” parish, filled the church in a day as much as I did in a year! And it would be even more foolish to consider this a natural or demonic event. Whoever says this, does not deserve you. And those who, in this regard, do not speak out, with each passing day, lose a little more face.
Father Andreas of Hallein writes
In Fra Elia’s catechesis stood God’s Mercy in the light of His truth at the center.
As a priest I can only speak positively about this day. It has been a long time since I have seen so many people in a church. Christ and the sacraments have always been the central topic, and never did I get the impression that Fra Elia wanted anything other than to lead people to Christ. No wonder so many people have found their way again.
Father Georg of Salzburg writes
To recapitulate, I can say that the characteristic of this day was the renewal of faith. Fra Elia’ sensitivity and availability, his ardor in experiencing God’s Love was announced and given to those present, springing from his great sincere heart.
Never did Fra Elia put himself at the center but Jesus Christ, who desires to be welcomed by people.
All this was strongly supported by Fra Elia but with modesty and humility.
He did nothing unless requested by the organizers.
The whole day was marked by the attention of those present in a deep atmosphere of prayer and will surely leave its mark especially the moment of Eucharistic Adoration. I thank Fra Elia for his testimony and service.
Invitation to Fra Elia at the Diocese of Acireale
Dearest Fra Elia, I hereby have the pleasure to invite you for a few days of spirituality and prayer in the Parish of St. Thecla, Diocese of Acireale.
I am sure that your presence will bring spiritual benefits to those who will participate in the meetings to be scheduled.
Looking forward to meeting with you I extend cordial greetings
Msgr. Rosario Di Bella – Vicar General
Invitation from Mons. Claudio Baggini bishop of vigevano

Dearest Fra Elia,
With this letter I am indulging the request of the parish priest and the parish community of Jesus Divin Lavoratore of Vigevano for your presence as soon as it is possible for you.
Blessing your person for the good you are doing in the Church, I hope that this expectation can be fulfilled.
Always united in prayer
Claudio Baggini
Report of Archbishop of Sydney Cardinal George Pell
Addressed to our contact person in Australia Ms. Rose Branca
Dear Mrs. Branca, Thank you for your email of January 17, 2011 requesting a letter from me with a brief report of Fra Elia of the Apostles of God’s visit to Sydney in November, 2009.
I was very pleased to have met Fra Elia during his stay in Sydney, but it is not possible for me to provide any comment on the testimonies since I did not take part in any of his public meetings. There were no complaints or concerns concerning his work or testimonies provided by the parishes he visited, and I was happy to grant him my permission so that he could visit the Archdiocese, considering also the testimonies he received from other bishops.
I hope that these few lines may be useful.
With best wishes His in the Lord
George Card. Pell, Archbishop of Sidney
Report of the Archbishop of Perth (Australia) Mons BJ. Hickey
Fra Elia visited this diocese in the year 2007 and during his stay he spoke in 5 different churches.
A large crowd came in order to hear him and to be able to meet him and ask for advice and prayers.
The opinion of the people who contacted him was entirely positive. His simplicity, his way of praying and his insistence on faithfulness to God’s will were intensely received. Some people also confessed to me the occurrence of extraordinary healings that had all the characteristics of being genuine and lasting.

Others made me aware of spiritual consequences, conversions and repentances. Fra Elia came here with my permission and was taken to heart by priests and lay people. They worked to bring him together with many people. His visit was a blessing to those whom he met and to those who listened to him.
Yours in Jesus Christ
BJ.Hickey Archbishop of Perth
Report of Mr. Tony Murnane – Organizer for the Melbourne meetings
In November 2007 I had the privilege of organizing in the city of Melbourne, Australia, three meetings for Fra Elia. The benefits for our city were many.
The visit began with leaflets, on the back of which was published a short biography of him-so for this reason people arrived in large numbers. Relative to the number of leaflets distributed, I can say that 5 times as many people came to Mass, to hear Fra Elia’s words and pray, compared to any other religious speaker.

In my opinion, this is a clear indication that people in this society are tired of the nonbelievers around them in the growing atheism of the Western world.
They are looking for more confirmation of what they believe, “a touch from Heaven. “Fra Elia’s visit to Melbourne gave thousands of people the stimulus they felt they needed and encouragement to continue to believe in the Gospel and their efforts to live it out.
Fra Elia’s reverence for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and his firm insistence on “no talking in Church “was an inspiration that gave everyone present a powerful reminder of Christ’s presence and in our need-duty to be reverent before God, present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Her words deeply communicated how to live a healthy Catholic life in a world that is generally doing the opposite.
Mrs. Fiorella Turolli’s words were of further inspiration to all who came to the meetings when she described in detail the life of this mystic of our times. Her words imprinted in people’s minds, the reality of Fra Elia’s mystical experiences with details she mentioned as she described his spiritual journey.
In conclusion, I believe that as a result of Fra Elia’s visit to Melbourne, the 3-4000 people who attended the meetings returned home with their faith greatly strengthened, and also spiritually benefited from the Holy Mass and confessions and also the prayer that Fra Elia gave individually to each person present.
I believe that Fra Elia is a powerful tool to bring people back to God in times when many have gone astray.
Signed Toni Murnane
Report of Father John Quinn, pastor of St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Clayton
Fra Elia of the Apostles of God from Calvi dell’Umbria, Italy, visited this parish on Nov. 26, 2007.
The day began with morning Mass at 9 a.m. After Mass, Fra Elia spoke to the parishioners aided by an interpreter. The Church was overcrowded, even though that was not a public holiday. Monday. Some people had arrived from faraway places, bringing sick people with them.
Fra Elia spent about 3 hours blessing people individually as they came forward. He showed great patience and humility especially with the sick and elderly. There was an immense sense of peace and sacredness in the church for the duration of the entire day.
Fra Elia left a deep impression on people and I am sure the entire parish congregation will benefit spiritually as a result of that day’s visit.
Sincerely Fr. John Quinn
Report of Father Franco Cavarra – St. Christopher Parish, Airport West
St. Christopher Parish located in the airport area was greatly benefited by receiving a visit from Fra Elia in November 2007.
A substantial number of faithful gathered inside the church and abroad in the adjacent garden in order to hear the words of faith and spiritual encouragement that Fra Elia so generously communicated.
People who had already turned away from the Sacraments found their faith renewed and invigorated.
Fra Elia spoke with simplicity, but at the same time, profoundly, in relation to his faith journey and the particular ministry he has been entrusted with, in language that was received and deeply felt by all present.
Afterwards, a large number of people came forward in order to receive personal advice and prayers.
Signed: Father Franco Cavarra
Conversion testimony of Ute von Lojewski
“Jesus, this you would never have thought … everything I experienced had a hidden meaning. Today I am happy because of Providence. Also, still this intense scent of roses…”
I believe in a holy, catholic and apostolic church.
On Pentecost Day 2008 I received my Confirmation in our Parish of St. Boniface in Wiesbaden. For me it was a very solemn and moving act.
I was baptized as a child and grew up with a Protestant-Lutheran upbringing but as an adult I lost all interest in the Church. From here to totally abandoning the Church was not difficult! I had nothing left, but I always felt a deep spiritual longing.
I am married to a journalist and have lived all over the world with him. Originally from Hamburg
We went to live for five years in Washington and then, for work, came here to Wiesbaden. I would have preferred to go back to Hamburg but now I am happy because I understand that we did not come here by accident. Looking back, I recognize that all my experiences I have had were willed by the Lord and had meaning. I feel guided by God. Even when I thought less of Him, He never left me. This is what I recognize today.
In this city I “gained” a valuable friend: Ingrid Malzahn. She is a writer who is interested in the lives of the saints and has recommended several books to me on which we have had much discussion. Among others, she wrote a book on Padre Pio and translated the books of Fiorella Turolli, biographer of Fra Elia of the Apostles of God, a stigmatized friar who founded a new religious fraternity in Italy.
Through Ingrid, I got to know him personally and the depth of his spirituality impressed me greatly. Devoted to the Lord Fra Elia accepted his fate without ever complaining. During the 3 days of his Passion (Holy Week) and every Friday, he endured the excruciating pains of his wounds by praying.

I was able to see this and, struck by it all, reentered the Protestant Church but regularly attended Catholic Mass in St. Boniface Parish. Stimulated by my friend Ingrid, I got to know the young chaplain of this church, Dr. Christof May, an inspired preacher, and so together with my friend we decided to always go to his Masses. While Father was distributing the Eucharist I stood sadly leaning against a pillar of the church…and I was saying to Jesus, Would you ever have thought that I would return to your church?
Inside me there was a mixture of sadness and joy…I felt like that prodigal son of the Gospel, returning to the Father’s house.
One day after Mass, Ingrid handed me an article about Fra Elia that she had written for “Kirche Heute” (Today’s Church). I went home and started reading it and immediately was flooded with an intense scent of roses.
Even my husband who was working in his study told me that he smelled a good perfume!
That perfume was not new to us, because we had already smelled it next to Fra Elia both on Fridays and during his Passion…It is the perfume that comes out of his wounds. It is said to be the perfume of the Saints. So it was a gift from Heaven?
At this point, I had no more hesitation and chose to stay in the Catholic Church where I immediately felt good.
Everything was so solemn: from the Holy Mass to the distribution of the Eucharist, the holy water, the smoke of incense, the adoration of the Saints and Mystics. And so I too became a devotee of Pope John Paul the Second, and still am.
St. Boniface Parish was very tolerant with me: it even accepted me as a volunteer. I will always remember my first entrance into this church, on the day of my Confirmation, when I sitting in the first pew, together with other Confirmandi, was literally enveloped by an intense scent of roses coming from the altar….