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Other excerpts from the catechesis of Fra Elia

    In Sicily, after also talking about the great problems afflicting humanity such as broken families, adultery, suicides and crimes, and drugs, Fra Elia with a truly concerned manner but with great authority, addressed the assembly asking:  “Why do you go to magicians and sorceresses to solve your problems? Why do you also put talismans next to the cross you wear around your neck? God does not need to have talismans beside Him. God is God and He is the only healing, the only remedy for your sufferings! Healing is found here, in the house of the Lord, next to Jesus…Come to the house of God…He is always waiting for you and not only when you are in need! He graces you every day even when you say it was luck…. 

    When you have problems you go into depression…and so, when you are mentally and physically weaker, you could easily fall prey to the devil. Beware of jealousies, envies, gossip, which the enemy feeds on to create much greater evils… and this often happens when we are weak and do not seek God… We cannot live and continue the path alone, without Him! Man cannot be so presumptuous in believing that he can do everything without divine intervention! With His help, we will also be able to turn over a new leaf, strengthen ourselves and start again to compete with evil, depression and the temptation of the devil. God does not want us to be unhappy….  “With Him beside one will be able to face everything with joy … and joy is contagious.” 

    “Marital love is like God’s love for the Church! It is sacred and willed by God. Father and mother should not intervene in the lives of their adult children. They bring them into the world, not to fulfill themselves but to let them go, free to make their own choices, especially affective ones.  It is God who puts a spark in their hearts, which must be ignited at the appropriate time. It must not be the parents who choose for them or influence their choices. Then the two will become one flesh and, with God’s help, avoid occasions that might distract them from their sacred promise. It takes the will to keep the family together, not only out of love for God, but out of love for the spouses and children. Love for the family is like a flower, which must be watered daily with dialogue and the will to grow together, always with the Lord’s help. Trusting in Him is the only salvation! 

    What about the blameless divorced and divorced? They can and should go and seek comfort in the church…Everyone should come to the house of the Lord…don’t you feel safe next to Jesus? And why do you keep going to magicians and witches to know your future? What does it matter to know? The Lord always accompanies you, guides you, has never betrayed you, knows what is best for you. Why do you not turn to him, asking him for graces with strength? If your heart is sincere, the Lord will hear you. Today the don will make supplication to obtain graces–let us join him with faith and hope!

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