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Home » Convent,Saturday, September 7, 2024 – two days of continuous prayer in honor of the Madonna Pilgrim

Convent,Saturday, September 7, 2024 – two days of continuous prayer in honor of the Madonna Pilgrim

    …Fra Elia on Saturday afternoon around 3 p.m. wanted to give a moment of spiritual exchange to all those present by talking about a topic that has always been close to his heart: the family.Here is Fiorella’s account of this, who has always accompanied Fra Elia:

    “When I arrived it was 3 p.m. and Fra Elia was already speaking in a simple way as he knows how to do…short and light sentences but very incisive. What really amazed me and enraptured and enriched us all was Brother Elias’ desire to dedicate the whole afternoon to us…it was important to engrave in our hearts the importance of the united family…the basis of peace.
    Just him, without the Bishop and other priests who had also arrived from afar.
    He seemed cheerful and not at all tired and above all he seemed to want to be alone face to face with us.

    Here are his words. “The family was created by God: father mother and children…they must love and understand each other by creating an oasis of peace.

    We who do not want wars who praise peace should first cultivate it in our family. If we do not have peace in the family nest, how can we educate our children in peace? Cultivate dialogue, share the big and small things, it is good to grow with the person we have chosen for Love…. Every day it is necessary to water the little plant as well as the understanding between the parents that your children want…children suffer if there is no peace, joy of life in the home…and slowly they drift away. Despite the difficult life, do not dissipate the gift of Love that God has given you…your home must remain a place of peace, mutual comfort, unity with your children and especially talk about topics that happened during the day, school…even at the dinner table…Don’t ask too much of the Lord — ask for the right and ask for time for love in families.

    There may be problems, good days and bad days but even in the dark the Lord is near you. Union of families: invite the Lord to be part of your family so He will help you in dialogue and forgive each other before the sun goes down.Parents’ duties: be good educators, inculcate love for the Lord in your children from an early age…bring them to Church.

    At 6 p.m. we were all still pleasantly listening, even amused by the questions and answers he posed, pacing back and forth, left and right. Tireless. “…the tone of voice cannot be aggressive…and you women always respondingbadly … there is way and way to talk to each other … and show your love with a simple phrase: “I love you.” It also applies to men.

    “How often do we say it to our loved ones?” Answer: all the time…and Fra Elia with his hand made the gesture of stretching his nose remembering Pinocchio…and we all laughed.
    I remember him asking a question to some people who each answered in adifferent way while a 13-year-old girl gave the answer he expected: what is a gift from God? “An ability.” Bravo! He also asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up and she immediately gave heranswer… Brava! Repeated Fra Elia.

    Late in the day, Don Marco arrived and remained silent for a moment. It seemed that Fra Elia had not noticed his presence, to the point that Don Marco asked him: do you know what time it is?
    And at that point Fra Elia stopped talking and blessed us.”

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