We have to say, “Lord, enter my heart, transform my heart and do what you want. I am here”. You have to change inside. Even in tribulation serenity can take over. Take the rosary. “Lord, I stand here before You. I pray to You. I offer You the novenas”. It costs nothing to pray.
Everyone asks me for thanks.. I pray, I pray for everyone who asks me, I do novenas and many times the Lord hears these prayers granting the grace requested. They also ask me how come that one gets healing and I don’t? I don’t know. Jesus often says, “Go, your faith has saved you”.We must trust in the Lord, with a pure and sincere …. We must especially love those who hate and despise us because those too have a right to be healed, because they too are children of God…our brothers and sisters and we cannot forget them… The Lord is merciful and we too must be merciful to our neighbor. Offer your sickness! And God will grant you grace! God does not betray.
How many times have you, on the other hand, betrayed God? Or have you never opened your heart to Him? Have you never desired to speak intimately with Him? Heart to heart? The churches are empty. Why? Whose fault is it? Is it the priests’ fault? The church is your home! You don’t take communion, and you can’t wait for Mass to end while your mind wanders to other places. Know that this is your home! You did Baptism in here, Confirmation, Communion, you got married . You got married in here and after that you never set foot in here again! God made six days for you and one for him! He only asks you for one hour on Sunday to party with him…is one hour a week too much for your Creator? And don’t say you have no time! All stories!
Fra Elia talks about the angels

When I was 7 years old I saw angels high up in my mom’s room who was sick and I was enchanted by the beauty of them spinning . And even older I would see these beautiful things and be enchanted. A woman takes the floor recounting that she was cooking meatballs, walked away from the stove, and on her return found the meatballs unburned and unharmed, declaring herself very convinced that it was angels. Fra Elia nodded. “The Lord when we are born lights a candle. Does the lord abandon us? Does the guardian angel abandon us? The saints’ day is the feast of the dead and also of all of us. Angels exist. They are there. So many times you want to go shopping and you can’t find your keys. Then you find them there right in front of you and going out on the road you find out that there was an accident–it’s not a case…”.