I’m in front of the photocopier, I can’t make a photocopy because there is something wrong with the settings… The door opens wide, it’s Fra Elia, visibly nervous, he found a lady in the cloister who without asking anyone’s permission snuck inside the Convent. He leans against the wall because he is visibly shaken with nervousness… He tells me what happened, I notice though that he is struggling, I tell him:” friar, sit down I see you fatigued don’t get more nervous, you know that politeness these days is an option, people have no respect anymore.!”. He comes down the step and sits on the chair next to the photocopier, then he says to Fra Maurizio: “I have to go to the pharmacy you take the car and accompany me” “.

Left alone I see him suddenly bring his left hand to his chest bend over the chair and say : “What a pain… I feel sick help me!”. I barely make it in time to catch him because he has collapsed to dead weight…his glasses fall to the floor, I manage to hold him up on the chair , his head upturned, he is not breathing, he is stiff… I think of a heart attack, I can’t feel a pulse, I’m getting scared I’ve never had something like this happen to me. I try to get my cell phone to call Fra Maurizio, but I can’t find the number, I’m panicking … I finally find the number. I call Fra Maurizio, he doesn’t answer … I try again, there it is … “Maurizio the friar is feeling sick …” Fra Elia has moved, he is shuddering he is always stiff as if something is happening around him, as if he is being beaten, I can’t see anything, I hold his head I can’t do anything else … he stiffens and contracts, then relaxes … he breathes though … how scary I had thought the worst!
Fra Maurizio arrives …” please go get lukewarm water and sugar and call Don Marco” … We are all there, he continues to be as if dead, he twitches then relaxes … here now it seems that something is happening: he raises his right hand, takes something in the air, then brings his hand toward his mouth and you can clearly see him chewing, like when taking Holy Communion…he slightly opens his eyes he doesn’t see us, his gaze is fixed as if he is seeing someone else. I am holding his head and slightly bowed to look at him better. His eyes do not see this reality but another one because he does not even notice us and the space around him; it is a mystical ecstasy, he is there with us but he is in a different reality from ours. Here now he seems to be recovering, he opens his eyes wide and looks trying to understand where he is and what has happened, he leans on the arms of the chair looking around; we ask him how are you… he replies, ” well, Jesus just left…”

The son of God was in that room with us and gave Holy Communion to Fra Elia we all saw what happened.