Two beautiful summer days and cool evenings, I would say perfect. So many people arrived from near and far, especially people eager to share with Fra Elia the intense prayer for peace, for families, for the sick and needy. Two days of continued prayer with night vigil, interspersed with Adoration, songs, rosaries and musical interventions. Right from the start an indecipherable atmosphere was created, and I am not exaggerating in saying elevated, lofty, exceptional, extraordinary wonderful…I might even say sublime.

It happens a lot next to Fra Elia. Especially if extraordinary things happen. Our eyes seemed brighter, our smiles enchanting…more and more people arrive, so many friends and so many new people attracted by the friar with the stigmata, who will surely intercede for him to obtain the requested grace.
Present were Bishop Emeritus Domenico Sigalini, Don Marco Belladelli episcopal delegate, and other priests: Indian, Polish…together they celebrated Mass on the ‘altar overflowing with flowers, next to the great stupendous throne adorned with precious white lace, worthy of the pilgrim Madonna of Fatima. The drummers who also participated in the procession opened the event.
At the end, we Mantellates of the Regina Apostolorum secular fraternity, Fra Elia’s third fraternity, all lined up to open the procession behind the banners, heading toward the only Madonnina in the town of Calvi (500m.distant from the convent). Fra Elia laid a large bouquet of flowers at her feet. Many other people of all nationalities followed.

At the end of the long procession Our Lady triumphant on top of an ancient Sicilian flowered cart, accompanied by 6 Mantellati, followed by the Bishop and Fra Elia followed the procession from the side, checking back and forth that all was well.
Event of the afternoon: dressin of Brother Francis
After a year of apprenticeship at the convent, praying and working, finally the dressing of the much-desired habit white with green borders of the Fraternity of the Apostles of God.

Francis sits next to Fra Elia in the front row before the altar. After the ritual formula Fra Elia will accompany him to the altar.
Best wishes to Brother Francis.

Sunday, September 10 – The new Capes
During the 10 a.m. Holy Mass, Fra Elia went down among the people and slowly chose many of them, accompanied them to the altar and gave them a mantle. No one can know who he will choose and no one can propose. Only he can read their hearts.
To date there are almost 300 Mantellates and like their inner brothers who have chosen to live by poverty, chastity and obedience, they have no obligations–they follow the way of the Lord in their family. They, too, miss no opportunity to talk about God and make Fra Elia known.