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A testimony of healing from Australia

    We publish this testimony we received from Australia. We recall that Fra Elia has visited Australia several times as a guest of various local communities such as Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and Adelaide.

    t was only in the middle of this year, 2023, that Joshua Smith’s illness was brought to the attention of the Community Ordinariate of St. John Henry Newman,in Adelaide , South Australia by a person from this parish.   

    Joshua, a young man in his early twenties had been diagnosed with cancer, so we had been asked to offer our prayers for his sake, which we very willingly did.  As the months went by, though, his condition worsened severely. 

    At that point I realized that this was a situation that needed to be brought to Fra Elia. Having read one of his books, I had developed a sense of deep respect for everything about him, especially the way he shares the Passion of Our Lord, in addition to the subdued but strong confidence he always maintains in the Grace of God that brings us healing.

    Preparing for Holy Mass and as I consulted the list of names of the sick, and seeing Joshua’s name, I asked Fra Elia to pray for him.  I did not send him an email (not having the address), or even a letter.  I only asked Fra Elia to pray for Joshua, just as I was standing there, ready to celebrate Mass.  I was convinced that this prayer request of mine would reach Fra Elia, certainly through the angels! 

    Only a few weeks had passed when I noticed that in the Community’s weekly bulletin it was announced, that Joshua had undergone further investigations before continuing with treatment and that in the results, there was no longer any sign of cancer. I along with many others were overjoyed. 

    God bless Fra Elia, and may he continue to inspire in many, such deep faith in the Lord Jesus. 

    Fr. Neville

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