As we approach Holy Week and Fra Elia, like every year, prepares to relive the passion of our Lord, we publish a few lines from Fiorella’s diary of Maundy Thursday a few years ago.
April 2021 – Maundy Thursday
I cannot escape the memories of this morning as Fra Elia swollen in his bed and with his hand bandaged between those of Bishop Sigalini, recounted to all, what he had shared with Jesus in the night just past. He could not open his eyes, eyelids glued to his eyelashes, drops of blood at the corners, his voice stunted, but clear enough, etched his every word into our memory.
“I spent a long time with Jesus, side by side, sitting on a large stone. We watched a beautiful sunset with its bright and still dazzling colors. We talked about many things but first He scolded me.”
“Stop shouting, that I can hear you all too well…don’t be afraid…when I drag my little donkey with the rope, he sometimes rebels but it’s always me leading him…and then the little donkey brays and goes braying where he wants but it’s always me watching and protecting him.”
“Why did you choose me, a poor little donkey who didn’t even want to obey you?”
“I sent you into the world because you said yes. I sent you because your yes meant accepting all the marks of my passion, and seeing you branded in blood, the world would understand how much I suffered for you and so many would believe. Your sufferings (which you accepted) also liberated many souls.”
After a few moments of silence Fra Elia asks, “This sickness they say you sent it…”
“I do not send sickness and chastisement” “However, you allowed her”. “No, I did not allow anything, you were the ones who wanted it.” And Fra Elia asks, “How?” Jesus answers, “It was a small, small thing…some military men were trying it…I am the one who created the world and if I wanted to I could crush it with one hand, but I love you guys too much to do that.”
“Jesus, please keep me here with you, let me do whatever you want, send me wherever you want.”
Jesus became angry, “Don’t allow yourself to say these things anymore, I don’t do things by halves.You must complete what I have started,” but then gently continued, “Remember that I am and will always be with you.” And then Jesus with a hand gesture showed Fra Elia many people on the left, which he then moved to the right, others were already on the left and Jesus ruled them all as he wanted.

Fra Elia realized the power of Jesus but did not understand what He was doing.
Monsignor, attentive to Fra Elia account, explained, “The Lord wanted to show you that it is always He who directs the path of the living and the departed. Just as the good shepherd does not want to lose any sheep, God does not forget anyone and loves all His children more than Himself to the point of giving His life for them.” “Yes,” replied Fra Elia, “now I remember…many of those people were souls …and I asked Him where He should take them.” Jesus replied that He had already taken them all in and they would be with Him forever .He was wearing a beautiful brown striped suit and smiling…so that I still asked Him about many important things, especially when He would return here on earth, but Jesus exclaimed, “That’s enough now, you will have these answers at the proper time…you meanwhile continue to obey and pray. I will return when the Father wills it…but I will show up.”