The then bishop of Terni, His Excellency Mons. Vincenzo Paglia (current President of the Pontifical Academy for Life) appointed Don Marco Belladelli (author of the book Miracles) as his delegate to the fraternity of the Apostles of God to accompany Fra Elia in his mission and the community in its ecclesial and spiritual journey” ) Furthermore, on p. 76 of his book confirms that Fra Elia is a religious, known by the ecclesiastical authorities and by his own diocese who has always authorized and approved his work.

One Sunday in October 2010 I had gone to the Convent of Calvi in Umbria to celebrate Holy Mass, when I was told that around noon the then Bishop of Terni, His Excellency Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, whom I knew, would arrive for a visit to the Community. personally when he was still parish priest at Santa Maria in Trastevere. It was a cordial meeting which gave much comfort to the whole Fraternity and above all to Br Elia. Before leaving, to my surprise, he asked for my telephone number for a possible appointment. A few months later he called me and asked me if it was possible to represent him as his personal representative at the brotherhood of the Apostles of God and to accompany Fra Elia in his mission and the community in its ecclesial and spiritual journey. Appointment tacitly confirmed also to his successor.
In fact, for some years now the Church has begun a cognitive investigation into Fra Elia and the competent authorities had recommended to the Bishop to place a priest alongside him with the task of supervisor. Someone defined me with a pinch of good-natured ironic malice the “snitch” of the Bishop.
After speaking with Fra Elia, I gladly accepted the proposal, with the intention of doing a service to the Church and to himself.
From that moment I became one of the privileged witnesses of the ordinary and extraordinary life of Fra Elia. I shared the daily life of the convent of Calvi in Umbria for long periods, especially in the most important periods of the year, Lent, Easter, Christmas and the monthly meetings with pilgrims.
As a personal appointee of the Bishop, I accompanied and still accompany Fra Elia in his various missions in Italy and abroad. I also shared many of his personal affairs with him, and above all I gathered many confidences about the present and the future of his Mission and his work.
Pg. 45 –beyond the stigmata who associate him every day with the passion of the Lord Jesus, accompanied by a superhuman ability to bear pain and suffering, hunger, thirst, and with “osmognesis”, i.e. the perfume not of natural origin, which accompanies his physical presence or spiritual, which I have already mentioned,Fra Elia received other gifts to carry out the mission for which he was sent, such as the apparitions of various celestial characters and the deceased, distant visions in space and time, reading the hearts of consciences, bilocation, the grace to intercede in favor of the physical and/or spiritual healing of people and free from any bond or compromise with the evil one above all the power of the word and of the gaze that penetrates the depths of souls to move them and direct them towards conversion…..