On one day of meetings at the Convent a journalist also arrived who introduced himself as a “historian” and added that he simply wanted to be a pilgrim like everyone else. When his turn came, he also introduced himself to Fra Elia and told him that he had only one question to ask him.“During the days of the Passion, some stigmatics have reported to me that they have visions. Some see the Lord on the cross on Golgotha surrounded by the Holy Women, others see all the scenes of the Passion according to the Stations of the Cross… And what do you see?” Response, “I do not see the scene of the Passion, but I live it… very often my spirit leaves my body, and I go elsewhere… but my Angel shows me my body lying bleeding and all that happens around me. In the place where I am taken I meet the departed souls, whom I knew in life…my grandchildren, my grandparents…I see streams, meadows and flowers and I am fine. Sometimes the vision changes…I see so many souls in long lines, having to enter a place I don’t know…I see myself in line with them, in the last place…and we should all pass under a wonderful rainbow…When my turn comes, they send me away.

I cannot see what is beyond the rainbow, but I can glimpse a very great light. When I return to my body, I see around me some departed souls who ask me to intercede for them relatives of people who are beside me and to whom I have to report messages… but every day I perceive our Lord, who is always beside me and appears to me in a huge sparkling sun within which there is an even bigger sun
And as Fra Elia was narrating, he asked me for my little notebook, on which I was writing and he started to draw… “I’ll show you how I see him…”
That same Sunday, Fra Elia also performed an exorcism on a lady, after which, he was left with obvious, long scratches on his arms, which in the evening, he showed Sister Domenica….