Hi Fiorella, as promised here is our testimony.
We waited until today for the doctors to give a truly incredible evaluation! Inès (age 6) has been suffering for a year and a half from endocranial hypertension (too much water in the brain) that has created bilateral papilledema (edema on the optic nerve) that could make her blind. She underwent a lumbar puncture without anesthesia because doctors wanted to measure the pressure present in her spine. This validatedthe diagnosis of intracranial hypertension. But we did not know the cause. They thought it was a tumor, he had had three MRIs that didn’t reveal the cause…they thought it was a small vein in the brain that was stenotic (pinched). They wanted to put a stent (a spring in the cerebral vein) in him. They performed an examination in the operating room without anesthesia, which involves inserting a camera into the thigh and going up to the brain to take measurements. It lasted 1h30 instead of the usual 10 minutes, and Inès was really very brave. She is a happy and much loved child who has never wanted to change her ways because of her illness, despite daily headaches and very heavy treatment. The doctors’ latest proposal was to give her a bypass (a tube connecting her brain to her bladder), but since she is only 6 years old, she would have to be operated on again every two years to lengthen the tube (according to its growth).
In February 2024, after all the tests that failed to provide an explanation and despite treatments that did not relieve her migraines and had no effect on the edema, we came to Italy to meet Fra Elia. Eighteen-hour round trip over the weekend with Inès and our friends The week before we arrived, I sent you an email asking you to be there and translate what he would say. I prayed a lot that week. And one night, during insomnia, I asked my guardian angel to meet my brother’s guardian angel to notify him of our arrival. A few moments later, the scent of roses invaded our room, and I knew he had heard me! When we arrived at the convent, we explained our situation to you, and when Fra Elia passed in front of us you explained to him all the tests Ihe did Ines without anesthesia. Fra Elia was sorry and compassionate for her. He asked her where it hurt. He pointed to the area between her eyebrows. He lightly touched and massaged the area to release anything stuck.

She said that we parents were sicker than she was for letting the doctors do the painful examinations for free, because it’s the frontal sinuses that just get blocked. We are a little surprised and dismayed–but you explain to us that it is sinusitis being the sinus area inflamed, the brain produces water to cool it and this has created edema on the nerve. He only recommends suffumigation with suitable herbs. Which we will do as soon as we return to France. Three months later (today) we check the progress of the edema in the hospital. We explain to the doctor that Inès never has headaches again. He does the tests. Astonishing! The edema is disappearing and the visual problems are completely gone! She is on the road to total recovery!!!
Thank you Fra Elia!!!! Thank you Fiorella for your support and kindness. we are remembering you in our prayers
Lionelle Ludovic and Inès