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Fra Elia’s Blog

A column dedicated to Fra Elia’s travels, Convent’s life and much more

Latest news from Convent

God speaks to us 

How often we wonder what is happening in the world, we ask ourselves, “But are you afraid? But how do …

The Fra Elia’ Holy Week

Palm Sunday Beautiful festive atmosphere with procession, Holy Mass and blessing of the Olive Trees.But we will always remember the …

Saturday, March 23, 2024 testimony of Fra Sergio

I’m in front of the photocopier, I can’t make a photocopy because there is something wrong with the settings… The …

Palm Sunday

As early as Friday the 22nd Fra Elia spoke to us about Peace. He was heartfelt, almost desperate and certainly …

Travels and pilgrimages

Mission to Poland among old and new friends 

Poland May 2024 In October 2023 don Kristophoro, pastor of Zabkowice Slaskie, invited Fra Elia for the fourth time to …

Lugano February 11, 2024 – A corner of paradise

As is often the case when Fra Elia leaves for a Mission, he brings with him that immense Love for …

Trip to Lourdes with Fra Elia – July 2023

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes was built gradually over time and now covers 50 hectares. The Grotto of …

Fra Elia’s second mission to Ukraine – Jun 2023

On Friday, June 16, after a brief meeting with the Chancellor of the Curia in Rzeszów and a stop at …


Our Lady of the Cornabusa in the Imagna Valley. 

Also during this pilgrimage Fra Elia manifested himself… The origins of the place date back to the time of the …

Testimony of grace received through the intercession of Fra Elia

Hi Fiorella, as promised here is our testimony. We waited until today for the doctors to give a truly incredible …

The convent and its works : all that has been accomplished and what remains to be completed 

To present what has been done at the Convent so far, I begin with an ‘interview of Abbot Réné Laurentin …

Getting to know Fra Elia better

Three months had passed since Fra Elia had received the stigmata, and still could not believe it had happened to …


Other excerpts from the catechesis of Fra Elia

In Sicily, after also talking about the great problems afflicting humanity such as broken families, adultery, suicides and crimes, and …

Fragments of some of Fra Elias catechesis

“Do not come for me…” tirelessly repeats Fra Elia “it is not I who heals! It is He who listens …

Excerpt from a catechesis by Fra Elia in Indonesia

Everyone says they know how to convey peace…but you cannot without God’s Love. It doesn’t matter if our neighbor or …

Catechesis by Fra Elia to a group of boys from a community of former drug addicts near Modena.

We have to say, “Lord, enter my heart, transform my heart and do what you want. I am here”. You …

From Angels and Archangels Magazine

Getting to know Fra Elia better

Austria – Pinkafeld: July 1, 2 and 3, 2011 Excerpt from the article published in Angels & Archangels issue 72 …

Excerpts from A&A – bimonthly magazine of the Apostles of God

End times and end of the world “We are not yet at the end of the world, but at the …


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