Catechesis: Borneo, 10 Novembre 2009
All of us are instruments of God, we just need to want it and accept His will.He has not promised us goods on earth, but… Leggi tutto »Catechesis: Borneo, 10 Novembre 2009
All of us are instruments of God, we just need to want it and accept His will.He has not promised us goods on earth, but… Leggi tutto »Catechesis: Borneo, 10 Novembre 2009
Two beautiful summer days and cool evenings, I would say perfect. So many people arrived from near and far, especially people eager to share with… Leggi tutto »Two days of prayer with night vigil – 2023 September 9 e 10
On Friday, June 16, after a brief meeting with the Chancellor of the Curia in Rzeszów and a stop at a religious goods store, in… Leggi tutto »Fra Elia’s second mission to Ukraine – Jun 2023
Adelaide, Australia October 2022. Hi Fiorella, an American friend of mine sent me this testimony that I think is very important because it is about… Leggi tutto »Testimony of a man who seen Jesus
Curriculum of Father Réné Laurentin: To talk about Father Réné Laurentin, the world’s greatest Mariologist, who recently passed away at the age of 100, is… Leggi tutto »Father Réné Laurentin’s report
He came to meet us at the concierge’s desk, and, thinking of that moment, he appeared to me as an austere man with cold eyes,… Leggi tutto »First visit with Father Amorth
Although with a different vocation, Fra Elia intends to welcome faithful Volunteers into his religious family under the title of “FRATERNITA’ SECOLARE REGINA APOSTOLORUM” (F.S.R.A.).The… Leggi tutto »Secular Fraternity Regina Apostolorum
TAKEN FROM AN ANGEL WITH THE STIGMATES by Fiorella Turolli “Who am I?” Elia asked Father Maurizio one day. “Isn’t there a place where medical… Leggi tutto »JESUS of Frà Elia
The then bishop of Terni, His Excellency Mons. Vincenzo Paglia (current President of the Pontifical Academy for Life) appointed Don Marco Belladelli (author of the… Leggi tutto »Don Marco Belladelli’s testimoniance
“Marco Margnelli, surgeon, specialized in general surgery, was a neurophysiological researcher at the National Research Council (CNR) for 15 years. For years he has been… Leggi tutto »Doctor Margnelli’s report